Your personalized one-on-one coaching includes:

  • Complimentary 15 minute Introduction Call

  • 8 Zoom Sessions (50 minutes each)

  • Individualized Treatment Plan


Ready to finally put yourself first?

Perfect. Yes. Let’s.

How does it work?

Step One

You decide to choose yourself this time and reach out to me to say hi. This part is free and only 15 minutes. See if you feel really good about working with me. Don’t worry, I have sent clients to others in the past if your needs are not my forte. 

Step Two

Once we confirm that we’re a good fit, PICK A DATE that works best for you on my calendar and an invite with a zoom link will be on its way! You will receive an invoice to provide to your insurance if you choose.

Step Three

Plan for at least 10 minutes of uninterrupted time before and after. Silence your notifications. Get comfortable, find a private place to talk, bring a notepad or journal, and meet with me. I’ll guide you through the rest.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It’s a big investment in yourself, I know. I do not offer payment plans. Full payment is due before our first session.

  • Of course. Start with one 8-session package and we can continue with another 8 as needed. Due to the nature of this work, only 8 packs are sold, as opposed to one appointment at a time.

  • Life happens. One grace miss is acceptable, but after that, please cancel within 24 hours or you simply lose that session.

  • Interesting you ask! I have international clients so virtual works best, but there are specific in-person services for my local clientele here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Check them out HERE.

  • I do not accept insurance; however, I do provide superbills as a Registered Dietitian and Certified Life Coach with ICD.10 coding and an NPI. You may submit this to your insurance for reimbursement.

  • Don’t worry! It is in your calendar invite and confirmation email. Or just jump on here.