You’ve got goals, you just don’t have the time, energy, or support…yet.

With Lane’s highly personalized one-on-one approach to life & nutrition coaching, you’ll rediscover vitality and SEE the sustainable change that comes from within YOU.

Client Testimonials

There you are. YOU.

Working, Mommy-ing, Wife-ing, Friend-ing, Daughter-ing, caring for others at work, at home, online, and —wait! Somehow your needs are taking the back burner. You have so much you want to do! So much life to live!

But your vitality is in the can, your self-confidence took a nosedive somewhere in your twenties, and great sex sounds like a laughable farfetched fantasy.

Where did all that time go to do anything that you enjoy? What do you even enjoy anymore? You’ve got goals, you just don’t have the time, energy, or support…yet. 

Sweet soul, you’ve just found the place where you are free to say it all, to sort through it and give yourself a minute.

Let’s move those obstacles out of your way, together.

I’m in this with you. You’ll get the real, empathetic, and understanding me because I’ve gone through it myself. Working together, you’ll cry a lot, laugh even more, and leave with focus, direction, and confidence.